Feb 7, 2016

Recipe: Toasted Almond White Chocolate Irish Bread

Irish Soda Bread is a great breakfast or snack loaf, even when it isn't St. Patrick's Day. It's dense, sweet, satisfying, and basically halfway between a loaf cake and a loaf of bread.

But what if you don't like dried fruit? Or caraway seeds? Or what if you just want to buck tradition and shake things up a bit?

It's wild. It's crazy. It's -

Irish Soda Bread

- okay, maybe it's neither that wild or that crazy. But it is a fun twist on classic Irish Soda Bread! White chocolate and toasted almonds pair deliciously for a more dessert-like Irish Soda Bread variation.

Read on for the recipe!

Toasted Almond White Chocolate Irish Soda Bread

Makes 1 loaf

* 2 eggs
* 1 c. sour cream

* 2 c. all-purpose flour.
* 0.5 tsp. baking soda
* 1 tsp. baking powder
* pinch salt

* 0.5-0.75 c. chopped almonds, toasted (to taste)
* 0.5-0.75 c. white chocolate chips

1) In a large mixing bowl, beat together the shortening and coconut sugar until creamy.

2) Beat in the eggs, one at a time.

3) Beat in the sour cream.

4) In a separate mixing bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Mix until well combined.

5) Gradually mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients with a heavy wooden spoon. Be careful not to overmix!

6) Fold in the toasted almonds and the white chocolate chips.

Irish Soda Bread Recipe

7) Pour the batter into a greased, floured 9"x5" loaf pan.

Irish Soda Bread Recipe

8) Bake in a preheated 350F (175C) oven for 50-60 minutes, or until golden. A toothpick inserted in the middle of the loaf should come out clean. 

9) Cool on a wire rack. Enjoy!

Toasted Almond White Chocolate Irish Soda Bread

This loaf is even better the second day, so it's great for a make-ahead special breakfast if you have guests visiting. It also makes a great food gift!

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