Nov 20, 2020

Preparing for the Baby's Arrival

I just had my 33 week checkup, which means my next checkup will already be the 36 week checkup. That's the start of the ninth month of pregnancy, things are getting so real! 

Third trimester baby bumpI don't know if it's just me, but this year has been absolutely flying by. In a lot of ways I feel like I just found out that I was pregnant and here I am, already coming to the end of the journey. This is one end that will definitely be a new beginning!                                                                                                                    At my 36 week appointment I'll be tested for group B strep bacteria (mothers who test positive receive antibiotics during labor to avoid infecting the baby) and I'll also have an ultrasound to check on her growth and position. At that point it's also anyone's guess how things progress - plenty of people end up scheduling an induction after that appointment, or being told that their cervix is already dilating!                                                                                        Knowing that my 36 week checkup is on the horizon, I've begun preparing for our little one's arrival.                                                                                     I washed all her tiny little outfits with a scent-free baby laundry detergent, as well as her burp cloths, bibs, receiving blankets, and the covers of my breastfeeding pillow and her baby lounger. Pretty much everything that will come in direct contact with her skin and is washable has been washed.

32 week baby bumpI've assembled what can be assembled and enlisted my husband's help to set up her pink noise machine and baby monitor. We're still waiting for a few things to be delivered - our stroller, car seat, diaper bag, and nursery glider - but we have most of it.                                                               I plan to sterilize the baby bottles, pacifiers, and pump parts this weekend. I'll also need to clear a kitchen cupboard to store everything for easy access.                                                               I've slowly started packing my hospital bag. I'm trying to limit myself to a single rolling duffle pack and I'm stuffing it with a comfy robe, my postpartum kit, shower flip flops, toiletries, a TENS machine (who knows if I'll end up using it, but I've read that it can be helpful for pain relief), an external battery to keep my phone charged even if labor drags on, and more. This bag will have to pull a Mary Poppins-esque feat off!

32 week baby bumpI've also been trying to prepare my body for labor and delivery with daily dates and raspberry leaf tea. We'll see how I do!                                                                                                                                      My husband and I have been very careful throughout the pandemic in terms of avoiding mass gatherings, always wearing our masks outside of the apartment, not participating in indoor dining, etc. Now that my due date is approaching, at the same time as case numbers are soaring both around the country and here in NYC (we're back up to May case numbers) we're tightening our quarantine protocol even more.                                                                                                                  With a lot of people traveling for the holidays, gathering with family and friends, and even having holiday parties (albeit likely smaller ones than usual) I think our current surge is only going to get worse as I get closer to my due date. It's SO important to me that my husband can be with me during labor and delivery, and that we don't expose our little one to the virus. 
So starting this weekend, my husband and I are fully self-isolating. That means no meeting up with friends for socially distanced walks outside. No in-person physical therapy. No going into stores (including grocery stores). Aside from my biweekly prenatal appointments, we'll just be in our apartment with our cats for the next however many weeks until our baby arrives. 

This pandemic pregnancy is not how I would have ever imagined pregnancy to be, but I'm making the most of it and looking forward to this concentrated twosome time before our little family becomes a trio!

Moms, what did you do in your last few weeks before the baby arrived? Is there anything you wish you had done?


  1. It could be the best thing that's happened during this least you'll have your hands full and won't really be missing out on anything!!!!

    1. That's true, I imagine you don't normally get out much with a newborn anyway!

  2. It sounds like you're really well prepared! I think you're being really smart opting to isolate for the rest of your pregnancy, it's not worth the risk at all. I hope the last few weeks go smoothly for you! x


  3. It sounds like you have this all well in hand! I think it's a good choice to stay quarantined and stay healthy for yourself and your little one!


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